4-5 feb 2026, Malmömässan

Axema Access Control AB

Dela produkten:



Axema VAKA booking system offers a secure booking. The system is flexible and can be adapted to increase security and create order and order in common areas such as the laundry room or the overnight apartment.

A simple and user-friendly booking board
With the booking board’s user-friendly touch screen, you can quickly and easily book rooms such as the laundry room, sauna or meeting room, you can also book via an optional computer, tablet or mobile phone. The booking system sends email notifications when changes in the booking are made or as a reminder when the washing time is approaching.

Flexible, secure and adaptable booking system
The system can be adapted so that, for example, households with more family members have the opportunity to use the laundry room more often. Once a booking has been made, you can choose that only your pass badge or even some family members’ pass badges can get into the booked space, this provides enormous security. Booking can be made more than six months in advance for e.g. accommodation and the system handles many different objects, which gives residents plenty of space to be able to use all the association’s premises in a fair and flexible way.

Control the washing machines in the laundry room
You can control the washing machines for a smoother machine wear with VAKA booking system by dividing the laundry room into groups and letting the system divide the washing machine group when booking. In this way, the laundry room can be used by several residents at the same time and no “favorite” group wears out faster than the others.

The machine control is also excellent for, for example, pre-starting the sauna heater so that the sauna is warm and comfortable when it is to be used.


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