4-5 feb 2026, Malmömässan

SEK Svensk Elstandard
SEK Svensk Elstandard

SEK Svensk Elstandard

Om oss

SEK Svensk Elstandard provides information about standards and ongoing projects, and the results are available through SEK’s own web site elstandard.se and our network of resellers.

To support the application of standards, SEK also publishes handbooks, technical litterature and technical reports.

SEK Svensk Elstandard is responsible for standardisation in Sweden in the field of electricity. The organisation also co-ordinates Swedish participation in European and other international standardisation work as a member of the IEC and CENELEC.

SEK Svensk Elstandard is a non-profit organisation operating with the voluntary participation of Swedish authorities, companies and organisations interested in participating in – and influencing – the work on technical regulations in the area of electrotechnology.Standards in the field of electrotechnology may have to do with terminology, documentation, classification and other general issues.




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